Arodeth and I

Arodeth and I
Arodeth and I on Trixie

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Style of My Own

I'm sure that by now you're aware that I am very liable to do the unexpected and I am unpredictable. If you're not aware, I am not usually bothered by what people think of me, and it is very hard to offend me. Thus, I don't care what my hair looks like, if it's brushed, what clothes I am wearing, if they match, what shoes are on my feet, if there are shoes on my feet, etc... For some examples, I ride my horse like this, than I learned why you wear jeans- 
Giddy up?!

And I used to wear these shoes every chance I got, until I wore too many holes in them-

Lovely shoes!

So, here is a funny story- In co-op, a couple semesters ago, I was in a history class studying the 1900's.  For the presentation, we would each pick a decade (50's,60's,70's...). to dress up and represent.  I ended up picking the 70's, because no one else would do it. I for one, don't have old, creepy, 70's clothes laying around (shame on me!), so my mom and I started scouring every thrift store in town, to no avail. We were on practically the last thrift store in town, the last rack of the store, and I spotted something. I pulled it out and immediately burst into laughter. Words cannot describe what I saw, so I will show you :-O. I started to put it back on the rack, but mom said, "Wait, that's perfect!" Bingo! It was a perfect fit. We also got a pair of uncomfortable platform shoes, and a disturbing belt. Also on hand, we had my dad's Afro wig (why he had that, I don't know).
When presentation day was finally here and it was time to suit up, I was excited! After I had suited up and was walking toward the gym, two of my friends, Bob and Joe, were talking in the hall ahead of us. Joe had his back to me, and Bob was facing me. Bob stopped in mid sentence and said "Oh my gosh, is that Mustang?!" Joe turned around and his jaw dropped. I was like, "Hi."
It was time for my class presentation and slowly, the decades before me came up and did their thing. Teacher finally said, "70's!" Now, I had been behind everybody so pretty much no one had seen me. When I stepped up to the front of the stage, a collective gasp rose over the crowd. I looked, er, scarily 70ish.
That was talked about for a loooong  time. Alright, brace yourself! 
Yes, that really is me! Go ahead and say it, I look horrifying!!!!!! So yeah, there is not many people who would do that. Unpredictable? Yeah, you could probably say that.
                                                      Have good week, Mustang


  1. I have seen that costume...... You are SOOOO funny! I also saw you in that costume.. You are weird!

  2. But ain't nobody that can pull off unpredictable with as much class as you can!!
