Arodeth and I

Arodeth and I on Trixie
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I am free
So far I have talked about almost all of my interests, except the most important one; My Savior. We would never be here without Him creating us. Thru the years, that got confused. Or else, no one wanted to believe it. Oh yeah, we came from rocks or tiny blobs and then there was a big boom and everything evolved over millions of years and on and on! Ever heard that before? How about that we evolved from monkeys! Well.. (drum roll!) The truth is revealed! EVOLUTION IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!! And where can you find this truth, you ask? In the Bible! In His holy word! So, let me get this straight; Jesus, son of god, prince of the nations, came down to earth as a baby, died on the cross for YOUR sake so we live forever in heaven with Him! Yes! But wait, there's more! He also frees us from the burden of evolution! Hallelujah! I Am Free!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Christmas party
This Tuesday, we had our Homeschool Christmas party. It was so fun! We played games, ate refreshments, had a talent show, did some crafts... All in all, had a BUNCH of fun! The games we played were; Simon Says, Fishing, Manger relay, and Full body Rock Paper Scissors.
Playing full body rock, paper, scissors. |
The crafts we did were; Making candy canes out of pipe cleaners and beads, Decorating felt Christmas trees with felt ornaments and beads, Making cards for charity.
Making crafts. |
We had a talent show from all the kids who wanted to perform, I didn't perform because they didn't have a piano and that is the only thing that I play! We also had a group singing for all the kids, it was really fun!
Group singing. |
Friday, December 2, 2011
Deck your Dog and Cats... Or at least try!
In my last post, Deck Your Horse, I mentioned putting antlers on my dog too. My dog's name is Sasha and she is a golden retriever. She is sweet and obedient and awesome, she is the best dog ever! That is, until you try to put anything on her! When I try to put anything on her head, she will probably scrape it off with her paw! Or she would move at the last second, blurring the picture.
Sasha with foal halter . |
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Sasha with reindeer antlers |
Then again, I can't blame her... I mean, look what I've put her through!
Sasha the cheerleader |
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Sasha the umbrella |
Sasha the lady |
My cats didn't like the hat either! Patches tolerated it, but did not like it! Cooky didn't like it and she knocked it off!
Cookie the cat does not like the hat! |
Patches the cat tolerates the hat! |
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Deck your horse...
Hello! I had this cool idea for a Christmas card this year. A couple of days ago, I put it into action. My idea was to get my horse Trixie and my dog Sasha, put reindeer antlers on them and a Santa hat on me, and take some pictures. Simple right? Ha, not so much!
First, Trixie is terrified of the reindeer antlers. Then she is scared of the Santa hat. Then she is horrified by the reindeer antlers on US! She must have thought we had been abducted by aliens! I had to stick my hand in the Santa hat like it was a glove, and start rubbing her down with it - to show her that it won't hurt her.
Finally, she finds out that it is not a dangerous horse eating monster. So I stood next to Trixie, put my hand in the Santa hat, and held it above her head to make it look like it was actually on her. I told my mom to take the picture QUICK! Guess what? Trixie also doesn't like the flash!
Aah! Bright light! |
Oh, and the hat decides not to cooperate, and falls off her head. So I set the hat on her ear and tell mom to take the shot.
Get it off my ear! |
Finally, I get some good pictures - but I can't show them to you yet! (evil laugh -mwahahahaha)
Trixie finds out that reindeer antlers aren't evil mind control claws! Gasp!
All in all, a very interesting experience.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Bored is not an option
If you have ever wondered what a homeschooler does when they're not doing school, or chores, or cooking, or... well, something else, then you're in luck! Now, just to warn you I am not speaking for all homeschoolers but there are a couple like me.... So after school and lunch and any other things I need to do, free time! My favorite things to do are horseback riding, hanging out with my horses, reading, drawing, creating things, painting, making forts, playing in them, swimming, and exploring.We have 50 acres of pasture and a creek. Our house is between the pasture and the creek. The creek is off to the side of the house and down a slope. Here are some pictures of me.
Me after big rain |
me and sasha on frozen creek |
Monday, November 21, 2011
A horse of my own
On February 11, 2011, exactly 1 month and 1 day till my b-day,... MY DREAM CAME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! [My dream being owning a horse, of course]. This was indeed my lifelong dream. Ever since I can remember I have loved horses. When I was 5ish I started taking lessons from my friend Turtle's older sister. Then we moved and my horse world screeched to a halt, but that doesn't mean my entire world did. I started going to a home school co-op and met Firefly [read her blog too] and we became fast friends. A couple of years later we started looking into a horse again. 1st horse [boy] was a definite no, 2nd horse was sold before we could buy her, and the 3rd horse [girl] was a super cute paint, she was really sweet, slightly stubborn, and we got her! Her name is Trixie and she is a brown and white paint. This is her picture. We have had good and bad days, but I still love her! :-) Mustang
Sunday, November 20, 2011
My first post
Hello! My name is Mustang and i just made this blog, it was not easy but it was worth it! If you've read my profile you'll know that i LOVE horses!, if you haven't read it you should. :] For those of you following Firefly she is a friend of mine, i met her at a homeschool co-op. If you read her blog of the last day of co-op i was there and i did THE SONG with her.
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