Arodeth and I

Arodeth and I
Arodeth and I on Trixie

Monday, November 21, 2011

A horse of my own

On February 11, 2011, exactly 1 month and 1 day till my b-day,... MY DREAM CAME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!  [My dream being owning a horse, of course]. This was indeed my lifelong dream. Ever since I can remember I have loved horses. When I was 5ish I started taking lessons from my friend Turtle's older sister. Then we moved and my horse world screeched to a halt, but that doesn't mean my entire world did. I started going to a home school co-op and met Firefly [read her blog too] and we became fast friends. A couple of years later we started looking into a horse again. 1st horse [boy] was a definite no, 2nd horse was sold before we could buy her, and the 3rd horse [girl] was a super cute paint,  she was really sweet, slightly stubborn, and we got her! Her name is Trixie and she is a brown and white paint. This is her picture. We have had good and bad days, but I still love her! :-) Mustang


  1. We are so thrilled to be a part of your world! The fact that you helped pay for Trixie is a special thing, too.

  2. Hey Mustang! I GOT TO RIDE HER YESTERDAY!!!!

  3. glad u finally got ur wish! Glad u got such a good horse that u can grow with. looking forward to many rides together!
