I GOT TO SEE FIREFLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She came on Wednesday 8th of April, and left on that Saturday.
- Wednesday- We made tie-dye shirts; played in the empty pool; watched THE AVENGERS!!!! and played with glowsticks; then it was dark; and we played with glowsticks outside.
- Thursday- It was homeschool day at Six Flags and we went there; all of us wearing tie-dye shirts. It was fun, although it rained so we only got to ride one rollercoaster. :*( However, we got rain checks! We came came home and played outside in the pool some more.
- Friday- Our moms and Creator's Son went to the homeschool book fair, but Firefly and I had NO interest whatsoever. We went park hopping (for you people who don't know what 'park hopping' is, it's when you go to a whole bunch of different parks, then decide which one's the funnest and go back to it); got really hungry and ate; then we went swimming with Grandma; ate AGAIN because we were hungry; took showers, played outside for the rest of the day. ;)
- Saturday morning- We packed her stuff furiously in 5 minutes; then we played outside in the pool. I live next to a high school, and they had a football game and were playing music and we ran around the pool crazily; and danced to the weird music and laughed super hard. Then it was 'times for her to go' so we migrated to the front yard and walked up and down the sidewalk for 20 minutes. Then she actually had to go and I raced their car at16 mph and won. We parted ways with the knowledge of seeing each other in 3 weeks. Till later, Mustang. P.S.- I had forgotten to get mother's approval on this post, so I never posted it. (Hat of shame) ( A hat of shame is something Firefly and I made up for when you fail epically.)
Firefly' s tie-dye shirt. |
My tie-dye shirt. |
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